In any nation, land is regarded as one of the most important assets due to its insurmountable value and the power it holds in building societies that are inclusive , resilient , and sustainable . It can be a vital part of cultural and social identities, a valuable asset to stimulate economic growth, and a central component to preserving natural resources. Land tenure refers to the relationship that individuals and groups hold with respect to land and land-based resources, such as trees, minerals, pasture, and water . Land tenure rules define the ways in which property rights to land are allocated, transferred, used or managed in a particular society . When land tenure is secure, land can be a cornerstone for economic growth and an incentive for investment, but when land rights are insecure, this can lead to conflicts, instability and the exclusion of vulnerable groups, such as women, indigenous people and the poor (USAID, 2020). Land in Zambia ...