

Zambia has announced an increase in Electricity tariffs and load shedding to 17 hours per day. The media Network Action on climate change (MENACC) has expressed saddeness over the impending increase in electricity tariffs by as much as 150 percent and load shedding from 12 to 17 hours per day. According to MENACC, the two developments are a minus to preservation and conservation of the country 's forests and the fight against climate change. Solar power and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) use penetration among Zambians still remain very low as alternative sources of energy. This only means use of charcoal and firewood as sources of energy will drastically increase translating into more trees cut for charcoal production purposes. Deforestation as a result of charcoal production and farming purposes are some of the major factors contributing to release of carbon dioxide one of the harmful green house gases responsible for global warming. MENACC therefore wishes to urge government to do


  In any nation, land is regarded as one of the most important assets due to its insurmountable value and the power it holds in building societies that are  inclusive ,  resilient , and  sustainable . It can be a vital part of cultural and social identities, a valuable asset to stimulate economic growth, and a central component to preserving natural resources.   Land tenure refers to the relationship that individuals and groups hold with respect to land and land-based resources, such as trees, minerals, pasture, and water . Land tenure rules define the  ways in which property rights to land are allocated, transferred, used or managed in a particular society . When land tenure is secure, land can be a cornerstone for economic growth and an incentive for investment, but when land rights are insecure, this can lead to conflicts, instability and the exclusion of vulnerable groups, such as women, indigenous people and the poor (USAID, 2020). Land in Zambia is divided into  state land  and 


The effects of poor rainfall that was  experienced is the last rain season can not been ignored, and to a larger extent, the pressure on the economy is evidenced through reduced power generation. Zambia's Power utility, Zesco is currently implementing a national wide four hour load shedding schedule., to ensure that the available water sees the country to the next rain season. The Kafue Gorge Dam, is currently at 11 percent full compared to 90 percent last year. Besides the reduced power generation that has subsequently resulted into load shedding, some major upgrade works at the Kafue Gorge Power Station have been suspended. Station Operations Engineer Lioko Sitali has confirmed that two major project which include the replacement of 330 kilovott power cables and upgrading of the Distributor Control System- DCS. He said this during a media tour of the power Station organized by the Energy Regulations Board - ERB, the regulators of energy companies. The plant with a generatio

COMMUNICATION: Vital To All Creation

When you hear the word ‘mama’ or ‘tata’ from your little child’s lips, it is a thrilling experience that no parent can fully describe. It is especially so for new parents. It means a lot to know that a child is trying to communicate something to someone they  fully  trust . It is a call for attention that creates a fabulous connection between the child and the parent. The ability to Communicate is truly a precious gift that human have been bestowed with. You may however need to know that humans are not the only creatures that have the ability to communicate. Animals, birds and even plants are able to communicate, largely by natural instincts. Animals and birds will make different sounds for various reasons, such warn other animal of approaching danger. In addition to a phenomenal variety of sounds, animals communication includes gestures, attention grabbing colours, flashing lights and complex scents. Yes, communication is vital to earth’s interdependent and intricate web of life.

The Lurking Danger of Internet

The advent of internet has brought about both positives and negatives for humanity. One would safely say internet is a blessing to humanity. With a click of a button, one is able to access information on almost any subject from almost anywhere in the World. Vital information can easily be accessed via the website using simple gadgets like smartphones and tablets. It is so convenient a tool in as far as sharing and receiving information between users. For those in the academia, research has been made simple as one can easily surf through the web and may not necessarily buy or carry any physical books all the time. For the business world, trade is simplified, you can talk of online shopping and banking that have come with technological advancement. The list can go on and on. But amidst the so many advantages, there lurks what you would call the evil side of internet. It is one huge threat to the new generation of Christians especially the youth. With its anonymity, immediacy and c

We Must Make Zambia a Hostile Environment for Financial Crimes - FIC

Financial Intelligence Centre – FIC has vowed to root out financial crimes in the country. FIC Director General Mary Tshuma says there is need to step up measures in the fight against financial flows. FIC Director General Mary Tshuma speaking at the conference She said this at the FIC second annual conference on Anti money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism and other financial crimes.  “As you may be aware, criminal activity is more sophisticated than ever, the impact of financial crimes is vast, but the effects go deeper than simple economics. The full cost of financial crime weight on normal people. The sick children, and elderly who do not receive essential treatment; lives lost but cutting corners and using substandard building material” Ms Tshuma said. “We must make Zambia a hostile environment for financial crimes “she added. Ms. Tshuma says while Zambia has enabling legal framework on anti-money laundering there is need to be more vigilant in the

Zambia Construction Industry Record Steady Growth

Zambia construction industry continues to record a steady growth over the years. This growth has largely been driven by public infrastructure programmes and private investment. Data shows that in 2012 the sector contributed about 13 percent to the economy and about 15 percent in 2014, that is in terms of GDP. The industry has positively contributed to this growth in terms of income for the nation and the participating entities as well as the number of jobs created. The construction industry has also become a big employer of micro-firms. However, the construction boom has been added at the expense on the environment, as the industry is a high consumer of natural resources such as raw materials hence the need for construction guidelines as International Labour Organisation, representative, Ezarar Sakala outlines. At the launch of the environmental impact assessment guidelines for the construction sector, ZEMA Board Chairperson Dani Banda observed that the guidelines will imp